Jumat, 12 September 2014

The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight

The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
The people in the world willing to stick to Stephenie Meyer's writing is very impressive. The Twilight Saga is not only made ​​a great success as a novel, but as a movie. We even got more excited and enthusiastic when they see their favorite characters live on the screen. History has been made ​​more real to people, no matter how it is fiction. For some people, Bella, Edward and Jacob not only a success story but the characters in the symbol of true love endless understanding and full acceptance.

But of course, like the book, Twilight continues to create his films until recently Breaking Dawn Part 1 Aside from the story that has captivated millions of fans around the world and teen stars who definitely have their own name for the movie, there are big things other films. Option cars, homes, and even the clothes that actually fit as told in this book. No doubt, Meyer has done a good job in the research and preparation of a new, even if it does not think it will soon become a successful movie.

Look at one of the best things in the film-Cullen residence. Many were impressed about the beauty of the house that really fits the description of their luxury homes and modern Meyer is located in a remote area in the woods. The house is owned by John Hoke, director of design for Nike shoes and of course, he was very proud to have opted for a home movie. built in 2006 and completed in 2007, just in time for the first Twilight movie. Let's look at the Hoke House.

1. The use of natural materials makes it suitable for a modern and elegant contemporary home green forest location.
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
2. In the middle of the dark area covered with trees, you will definitely see this house with so many lights.
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
3. Given the contemporary look with pots and other accessories, this area is very good if you want to spend some private moments while having a good view of the forest.
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
4. Another view of the area that is surrounded by a transparent glass.
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
5. Who does not want to sit and relax when you stay comfortable?
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
6. Furniture corner colors add to the beauty of this event, because it fits with the floor.
7. In addition to furniture, the event was brought to a higher level of design for the use of eclectic furniture, accessories and accents.
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
8. Modern fireplace perfect for other areas of life gives the appearance of a more friendly and relaxed at the same time.
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
9. The use of wood jerseys granite top backsplash in modern and contemporary interiors of the house with the green button.
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
10. A larger kitchen that is rarely used by vampires they cook just for human visitors, not for his own vision.
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
11. A dining room with open ceiling and seats with a unique shape that gives the home a contemporary look that is more modern.
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
12. This large room appears larger with white paint, tinted windows and ceilings.
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
13. Child's bedroom, even careful to use clean lines for the interior design of the display.
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
14. White furniture and decor gives this patio more beauty.
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
15. A good view of nature seen in this region, which also has contact with nature.
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
16. Prestine white room comfort with the look really clean.
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
17. Everything white effect in the comfort room with sky lights and natural light from the window glass.
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
18. Glass and wood staircase to staircase is an added attraction to the house.
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
19. A different view of the ladder reveals that the glass can be seen landing and two large paintings that complement the concept of home.
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight
Modern vampires, such as the Cullen family living in a modern and contemporary home. It is indeed amazing to see how Jeff Kovel of Skylab Architects conceptualized designs. The Cullen certainly happy with the house of John Hokes. In addition to great design, it's also true green architecture with the use of environmentally friendly materials such as wood. It is really suitable for the location of the house in Portland.

Collaboration Kovel, construction Metcalf and Lucy Metcalf as the interior designer and landscape is really effective. The designers take advantage of the natural and built houses in a natural slope. The use of natural ingredients in this elegant setting for a modern contemporary house big green forest environment. The house itself is a guarantee of success, what more when combined with a history of success and hit the player. This eventually resulted in the hit movie!

The Hoke House: Cullen family Residence Twilight Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown