Jumat, 12 September 2014

The Doodle Contemporary House In South Wales, Sydney, Australia

The Doodle Contemporary House In South Wales, Sydney, Australia
The Doodle Contemporary House In South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Usually when we are asked to make a list of factors that we will consider in designing our future home, we can not deny the fact that the location at the top of our list. Yes, we are very sensitive when it comes to the location or site where we can build our dream home. Location is most important that we will certainly adjust to the style and concept of home. So now we present another cozy contemporary home with views and a beautiful garden. It is set in New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. It is one of the most famous models created by MCK Architects. It is called Flipped House.

Why is called Doodle House? Well, it comes from the literal term residence back because back with garden elements to form a wider connection from the inside out. While in retrospect, the original structure was built in 1960, the client decided to reshape in a more contemporary style, but he still wants to retain some traditional features. And according to the designers, they have adapted the original design of this live and just put some contemporary elements have a modern look. In fact, most of the fixtures and fittings inside and outside the old house. Well, it emphasizes the beautiful garden because it can show a good view.

Moreover, we can say that the whole design is inspired by the old design, but now he already has an amazing mix of ancient and modern design. Of course, he has a futuristic look, but has managed to retain traditional values​​. Banana trees are planted in the garden are arranged very helpful in maintaining the beauty of the great outdoors. You may also be surprised by the clean, clear water in the swimming pool. Now it was pleased to see more details on the inside and outside of the house Behind? Why do not you and we are sure you will be surprised with the stunning images from Flipped house below.
The Doodle Contemporary House In South Wales, Sydney, Australia
The Doodle Contemporary House In South Wales, Sydney, Australia
@ Let's look at architure house seems to be very interesting with the use of clean lines and wood elements.
The Doodle Contemporary House In South Wales, Sydney, Australia
The Doodle Contemporary House In South Wales, Sydney, Australia
@ Amazing shape, volume and lines are well presented in the facade of this wood.
The Doodle Contemporary House In South Wales, Sydney, Australia
The Doodle Contemporary House In South Wales, Sydney, Australia
@On the left side is the bathroom placed in open court and on the right side is a single corridor, towards the inside of the house.
The Doodle Contemporary House In South Wales, Sydney, Australia
The Doodle Contemporary House In South Wales, Sydney, Australia
@Sunlight can freely access the Kitchen of the house because the walls of sliding glass used here.
The Doodle Contemporary House In South Wales, Sydney, Australia
The Doodle Contemporary House In South Wales, Sydney, Australia
@Exceptional lines and wooden pallets walls and ceilings in this area of the kitchen that looked concerned.
The Doodle Contemporary House In South Wales, Sydney, Australia
The Doodle Contemporary House In South Wales, Sydney, Australia
@You probably all of the traditional and luxurious dining table is placed in a simple yet elegant dining room notice.
The Doodle Contemporary House In South Wales, Sydney, Australia
The Doodle Contemporary House In South Wales, Sydney, Australia
@White, wood and stone walls in this room adds to the natural beauty from within.
The Doodle Contemporary House In South Wales, Sydney, Australia
The Doodle Contemporary House In South Wales, Sydney, Australia
@Nice interior design certainly provides a strong connection with nature.
The Doodle Contemporary House In South Wales, Sydney, Australia
The Doodle Contemporary House In South Wales, Sydney, Australia
@Here wooden staircase connecting the two levels of the house when he persuaded to look at both the first and second levels of the house.
The Doodle Contemporary House In South Wales, Sydney, Australia
The Doodle Contemporary House In South Wales, Sydney, Australia
@The rooms are located on the top floor of the house and has a glass wall that gives the customer the opportunity to see the green trees outside.
The Doodle Contemporary House In South Wales, Sydney, Australia
The Doodle Contemporary House In South Wales, Sydney, Australia
@Pool tables are also attached in this area for recreation and relaxation time of the client.
The Doodle Contemporary House In South Wales, Sydney, Australia
The Doodle Contemporary House In South Wales, Sydney, Australia
@White and black color applied in contemporary bathroom design is perfect for the concept.
The Doodle Contemporary House In South Wales, Sydney, Australia
The Doodle Contemporary House In South Wales, Sydney, Australia
@Amazing shape and cold water in the pool was identified in this area.
The Doodle Contemporary House In South Wales, Sydney, Australia
The Doodle Contemporary House In South Wales, Sydney, Australia
@Even at night, dynamic lights placed outside has a more luxurious effect.

As you can see this clearly attached to the natural beauty. It consists of a series of interconnected terraces that open the room with the view through the floor-to-ceiling. In addition, it has a sliding glass wall that serves as a great access for the owner to see the panorama outside. It has two levels that are connected to the wooden staircase. And when you go inside, you will be amazed at the unusual design of the hall. The statues of the door is as catchy. While outdoors, he stressed the dazzling swimming pool and an open shower.

Thus, we can say that the architecture of this house shows back successful appearance as possible when you combine traditional and contemporary design elements. To be sure, architects MCK able to respond to customer requests. The natural beauty is the most important element in this design. Now, what can you say?

The Doodle Contemporary House In South Wales, Sydney, Australia Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown