Selasa, 23 September 2014

Efficient Use Of Wood In Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia

Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia
Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia
What is really important when we begin to plan for determining the design of the house to house our future? Well maybe you can mention the convenience, durability and elegance. Yes these are the three most important factors to consider when choosing the best design of a dream home. I personally prefer to have a home energy efficiency and environmentally friendly.

Yes, that is why today I will share with you one of the best home design that has extreme energy efficiency with environmentally friendly features. The house is located in Jakarta, Indonesia. With an area of ​​296.0 square meters, the house was completed in 2013, known as form-Box and Wood House is built in a modern style with strong geometric elements. Well, we check the secret name through selected images photographed by Fietter Chalim below.

~Low power consumption is achieved in this space with the help of a glass wall from floor to ceiling, arranged in the first level of the house.
Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia
Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia
~You can realize how designers use a lot of wood materials in the house.
Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia
Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia
~See how the plant has improved the display is framed and glazed porch make this alive.
Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia
Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia
~We can not deny the unique style of the timber element in accordance with the stone and concrete walls.
Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia
Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia
~Concrete and wood materials are effective in creating a modern building.
Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia
Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia
~The volume and shape of the wall is well presented which makes the different.
Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia
Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia
~Wooden chairs fit perfectly with the character and quality of the interior.
Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia
Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia
~What we see here is the texture of white walls and natural wood floor polish mixed.
Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia
Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia
~Even in this modern kitchen, designer wardrobes and tables using wood.
Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia
Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia
~Choice of designers and clients to maximize the use of wood materials in the kitchen reveals a modern style.
Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia
Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia
~Here is a stone wall which makes this area stand out among the others.
Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia
Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia
~Wooden ladder can not just add a lot of style and class to the interior, but also to allow the client to explore the second floor of the house.
Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia
Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia
~You'll love the spacious bathroom and wooden windows can certainly offer satisfaction and relaxation.
Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia
Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia
~See how these bricks and plants in the garden provide an artistic effect to the concrete wall.
Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia
Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia
~The consistency and quality of the timber wall structure here emphasized.
Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia
Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia
I can say that Atelier Riri actually managed to best design and materials that emphasize sustainability. Of course the shape of the building is a powerful expression of the urban space that surrounds it. The use of wooden elements are strong campaign to attract people to use wood materials such as local materials. Or recurrent or certified wood can be used as the value of wooden products in Indonesia can bear the economic situation in Indonesia. If you think you are in the same kind of situation, would you choose wood for your home?

Efficient Use Of Wood In Wood-Shaped Box House In Indonesia Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown